Five Simple Steps to Organizational Improvement

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We’re interviewing Dr. Ted Bibbes for a podcast, and the topic is process changes you can make within your organization (business, parish or family) that will generate significant improvements quickly.

Dr. Ted Bibbes has over 20 years’ experience working in management consulting and process improvement. His projects have spanned various industries including food preparation and manufacturing, banking, state government, and even, coal mining. Whether it has been in bowels of a coal mine or the offices of Georgia’s
state agencies, Ted has been successful in leading supervisors, managers, and front-line staff in improving their organization’s performance through the application of simple and basic tools and practices.

Dr. Bibbes received his Executive Doctorate in Business from Georgia State University in 2013. Prior to his doctoral studies, he directed the process improvement program for the Governor's Office of Customer Service in Georgia. The program provided Lean Implementations to state agency customer-facing processes. An
essential part of this work was the training of agency personnel in project management and process improvement techniques, to continue and expand their customer service improvement efforts.

I’d like your suggestions for questions to ask.  Here are a few to get you started:

What are the problems you’re experiencing right now that you need help with?

What processes are broken?

What problems do you have with identifying problems?

What challenges do you face with analyzing data?

Do you know how to determine which problems are significant and which are not that big of a deal?

Please submit your questions below and I’ll get them into the podcast!


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